Life Is A Zoo

Life Is A Zoo

Life is a zoo. Meet the zoo, a rowdy bunch of kind-hearted, adventurous critters, who love to travel. Life is a zoo with these fellas around. They’ve been spending their summer visiting amazing locations all over the world. So far they’ve had cake in Paris, tea in...
Freedom, Now What?

Freedom, Now What?

If you live in the States as I do, you’ve just finished celebrating the birth of our nation and the freedom and liberties that our Forefathers so bravely fought for. Freedom is such a powerful word, the cry of the oppressed, the song of birds in flight, and the motto...
Washington Crossing the Delaware

Washington Crossing the Delaware

December twenty-fifth, 1776 was a frosty morning along the Delaware River and promised a storm by the evening. A few miles away, the Patriot camp began to stir as Washington and his officers conferred together preparing the troops for a surprise march. Crossing...
Francis Marion The Swamp Fox

Francis Marion The Swamp Fox

Meet a personal hero of mine, General Francis Marion, better known as the Swamp Fox. Francis was the descendant of French Huguenots who immigrated to the Americas. The Marion family most likely left Europe to flee the persecution of France’s tyrannical King,...